Blog Heart attack Vs Heartburn

Heart Attack Vs Heartburn – Online Doctor

The general guidance is that anyone worried about chest pain should seek immediate medical treatment. They should urgently call for an ambulance particularly if the pain is unexpected, abrupt, or serious.

As the pain from heart attack and heartburn can present in similar ways, if anyone is confused with the symptoms they are experiencing, they should always seek immediate medical care.

What is a heart attack?

A cardiac attack is an event triggered by coronary artery disease. The blood vessels are responsible for the supply of oxygen around the body, as well as to the heart muscles providing it with energy and keeping it alive. The narrowing of the blood vesicles supplying the heart muscles is a condition known as coronary artery disease, and can eventually lead to a heart attack. Heart attack happens when one of the blood supplying arteries in heart is blocked. Angina is chest pain that occurs from the narrowing of those arteries.

A heart attack is also known as a cardiac arrest. Heart specialists often use the term “acute coronary syndrome” or ACS to discuss heart failures and severe heart disorders such as Angina pectoris.

Symptoms of a heart attack Some of the common symptoms of heart attack are as following:

  • Tightness and heaviness of chest.
  • Chest pain that feels like a heavy weight pressing against the chest
  • Pain might come and go, but stays longer than a couple of minutes
  • Some other less common symptoms of heart attack include;
  • breaking into cold sweat
  • shortening of breath.
  • Feeling nauseated.
  • Feeling fatigued and dizzy.

It should be noted that not all heart failures show the same effects. Symptoms may be moderate to extreme and certain heart attacks may have no symptoms. The pain in the chest can be central or central left, but it is not always the case. It can travel to other regions too and can severely impact jaw, neck, both limbs and spine.

Individuals who may experience fewer symptoms when they have a cardiac arrest include the elderly and others with diabetes. Nevertheless, some individuals can also experience certain signs such as shortness of breath.

What is angina?

Angina is a form of chest pain similar to that triggered by a heart attack. Combined with the decreased flow of blood to the heart induced by a blockage of the coronary artery, it is also triggered by narrowing of the blood vessels supplying the heart.

Individuals with angina are at higher risk for a heart attack. Anyone who has angina should be alerted to this risk and must be under medical care. Temporary pain is the most frequent cause of angina that goes away after rest or treatment, this is also called stable angina. Unstable angina is much more unpredictable and can happen at any time, without any trigger factors such as strenuous exercise or stress.

What is heartburn?

It is important to note that heartburn is a symptom of a disease, and not an illness. It is the feeling induced by acid reflux, typically, intense discomfort in chest.

Indigestion is when the contents of food in the stomach are flushed back into the food pipe.

Heartburn is a sensation that is sometimes experienced in the upper or lower chest and is triggered by the gastric acid that goes back into the food tube.

Heartburn and heart attack are not linked in anyway. Usually, the uncertainty stems from where the discomfort is. The stomach produces mucus, to shield itself from acid used for the digestion of proteins. Acid reflux can damage the lining of the food pipe, but does not cause any serious harm in most people. The cause of why individuals face pain by acid reflux is not completely known.

Heartburn symptoms Heartburn causes a feeling of burning inside the food pipe. This form of burning pain usually happens right over the heart. Also, the acid may travel further upwards, probably as far as the back of the mouth and throat.

Other symptoms of heartburn include:

  • nausea
  • belching
  • bloating

Differences between symptoms of heartburn and heart attack. The symptoms of heartburn and heart failure can appear to be quite similar. Doctors also consider it complicated, and rely on testing, to create a decision based on symptoms alone.

For starters, a doctor at Harvard told his tale about heart disease. Whenever he exercised he had a burning sensation in his upper belly, but heartburn treatment did not improve his symptoms. Not until he became short of breath and therefore unable to carry on, did he seek medical assistance. Tests showed cardiac failure directly linked to having a heart attack.

The primary difference between the two symptoms is that:

  • Heartburn can get worse after a meal and lying down but a heart attack can occur at any time regardless of food.
  • Drugs that lower acid levels in the stomach can help relieve heartburn, but do not help with symptoms of a heart attack.
  • Breathlessness is not caused by heartburn.
  • Heartburn causes belching bloating while this does not happen with heart attack.
When to call a doctor

Anyone with the following symptoms should call 999 immediately:

  • Pain or irritation in the chest, such as tightness, rubbing, pain or fullness that lasts more than a few minutes or goes away and returns
  • Sickness or distress in other parts of the body, such as one or both arms, back, jaw, neck or stomach
  • Shortness of breath, before or with chest discomfort
  • Cold sweat
  • Nausea and dizziness
  • Feeling lethargic

All of these symptoms can affect men as well as women but:

  • Women are more vulnerable to jaw pain, diarrhoea, vomiting and perhaps other symptoms Chest pain appears to be a common sign in males It is crucial to go to an emergency department immediately anytime there is some suspicion of a heart attack.
When to see a doctor for heartburn

People who have acid reflux must make a doctor’s appointment, if:

  • Symptoms continues for long periods of time
  • Meat ‘gets stuck’ in the throat
  • Dietary problems
  • Loss of weight
  • Blood in the stools
  • Difficulty respiring or swallowing

Prolonged exposure to acid in the stomach may harm the intestines. These can also be the signs of a more severe illness, such as gastroesophageal reflux disorder (GORD), cancer, or peptic ulcer.

Treatment for heartburn

The diagnosis of heartburn is through a combination of:

Evaluation of the symptoms:

The doctor will inquire where, how frequently, and for how long the symptoms appear, the degree of seriousness, and how the condition differs and reacts to the diets, the attitude of the individual, etc.

Treatment response:

This examines how symptoms react to stomach acid suppressant medications.


  • Barium swallow (oesophagram); this can check for ulcers, hiatal hernias and narrowing of the oesophagus.
  • Oesophageal manometry; this test will check the function and movement of the oesophagus and lower oesophageal sphincter.
  • pH monitoring; this test can check for acid in your oesophagus.
  • Endoscopy; this is also known as a camera test, it involves inserting a long, flexible camera down your throat. Your doctor will spray the back of your throat with anaesthetic and give you a sedative to make you more comfortable. A biopsy can be taken during the procedure to check for infection or cancer.
Treatment will depend on the cause

This may include:

  • The usage of medicinal products (antacids) to neutralize stomach acid and prevent reflux, popular brands include Gaviscon and Peptac.
  • Use of other products known as proton pump inhibitors (PPI’s) including Lansoprazole Omeprazole will reduce the amount of stomach acid produced by the body and is often more effective in long-term management of indigestion, acid reflux and even for the treatment for gastroesophageal reflux disorder (GORD).
  • (Antacids such as Gaviscon are accessible over the counter for purchasing, however PPI’s will need to be prescribed by your GP, or by visiting an online doctor).
Simple tips
  • Improvements in diet, consuming lighter and more regular meals for starters
  • Reducing consumption of reflux-inducing foods, such as spicy and greasy meals
  • Maintaining a healthy weight including regular exercise
  • Refraining from smoking and reducing alcohol consumption

Whilst the symptoms of heartburn can often be confused with the symptoms of a heart attack, they are in fact different in nature, severity and diagnosis.

Treatment of coronary heart disease will require a detailed diagnosis considering any current risk factors and developing a long-term treatment plan, whilst the cause of heartburn and indigestion can be easier to diagnose and treat, with more simpler lifestyle changes and medication to control the build-up of acid.

Is Acid Reflux Disease Ever Treated With Surgery?

If medications don’t resolve your symptoms of acid reflux disease, you suffer from chronic acid reflux and the symptoms are severely interfering with your life, your doctor could suggest surgical treatment.

For chronic acid reflux there are surgical treatments:

  • Placing a LINX ring device around the outside of the lower end of the oesophagus
  • The LINX ring consists of magnetic titanium beads, it helps reflux by preventing stomach (acid) contents from backing up(refluxing) into the oesophagus. The LINX device cannot be used in people who are allergic to certain metals, the magnets in the LINX device also limit future imaging investigations such as MRI.
What to expect from your doctor

Your doctor may ask the following important questions, it is important you answer them honestly.

When did you begin experiencing symptoms?
  • How severe is it?
  • Have your symptoms been continuous or occasional?
  • What, if anything, seems to improve or worsen your symptoms?
  • Do your symptoms wake you up at night?
  • Are your symptoms worse after meals or lying down?
  • Does food or sour material ever come up in the back of your throat?
  • Do you have difficulty swallowing food, or have you had to change your diet to avoid difficulty swallowing?
  • Have you gained or lost weight?
Who’s most at risk of GORD?

The following factors may increase your risk of developing GORD:

  • eating large amounts of fatty foods – the stomach takes longer to get rid of stomach acid after digesting a fatty meal and the resulting excess acid may leak up into the oesophagus
  • smoking, alcohol, coffee or chocolate – these may relax the muscles at the bottom of the oesophagus
  • pregnancy – temporary changes in hormone levels and increased pressure on your stomach during pregnancy can cause GORD hiatus hernia
  • gastroparesis – when the stomach takes longer to get rid of stomach acid, which means excess acid can leak up into the oesophagus
  • stress

GORD can sometimes affect several members of the same family and it’s been suggested that the genes you inherit from your parents may also affect your chances of developing the condition.

How long does heartburn last?

It can last just a few minutes. Sometimes it can last for several hours.

What are the complications associated with heartburn?

Occasional heartburn isn’t typically a cause for concern. However, if you get this symptom frequently, you may have a serious health problem that requires treatment.

If you don’t get treatment for serious heartburn, you can develop additional health problems, such as an inflammation of the oesophagus, which is called oesophagitis, or Barrett’s oesophagus. Barrett’s oesophagus causes changes in the lining of the oesophagus that can increase your risk of oesophageal cancer.

Long-term heartburn can also affect your quality of life. See your doctor to determine a course of treatment if you find it difficult to carry on your daily life or are severely limited in your activities due to heartburn.

What are reflux and oesophagitis?

When we eat, food passes down the gullet (oesophagus) into the stomach. Cells in the lining of the stomach make acid and other chemicals which help to digest food. Stomach cells also make mucus which protects them from damage from the acid. The cells lining the oesophagus are different and have little protection from acid.

How you can ease heartburn and acid reflux yourself?

Simple lifestyle changes can help stop or reduce heartburn. Reduce intake of spicy foods, avoid certain over the counter medicines such as Ibuprofen, increase exercise, reduce weight, reduce alcohol consumption and stop smoking if you are a smoker.

  • Severe chest pain
  • Unexplained chest pain
  • Sharp chest pain
  • Abdominal pain
  • Heart pain
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